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Facebook Homepage: What’s New In 2022?

Facebook or Meta has still been one of the biggest social media platforms with 2.93 billion registered users. Every person, whether a teenager or an adult, is on Facebook. The best part is that Facebook keeps updating its features, terms & conditions, and tools to render a better experience to the users. So, today we will discuss the most important and eye-catching part of Facebook, i.e., the Facebook Homepage.

The homepage is the exceptionally first view you see when you log in to Facebook. Everyone prefers to have an exciting homepage where they can visualize all the preferred niches, so Facebook has implemented some new changes this year.

But, what are they?

Let's come and find out the most recent updates:

The Page Layout:

Earlier, the homepage layout of Facebook was quite clogged, and it was challenging to maintain the Facebook algorithm. But finally, Facebook has got a solution to this, and the page layout has turned out to be more simple, intuitive, and appealing for the users. You can now jump between your page and your company's profile through the homepage. The 'About' section has shifted to the left side of the page, and you can no longer see the 'Our Story' section on the homepage, etc.

Facebook Cover Photo:

The Facebook cover photo specifications before the update was 851px by 315px, but now, the latest specs of Facebook cover image is 820px by 360px. Respecting these dimensions will make your image look appealing, and the pixels won't stretch. Ignoring these recommendations may crop off your image and look impeccably bad.

The Business Page Feed:

One of the most concerning parts of the updated homepage is that users with business pages can have their own feed now. Yes, even the Facebook pages will have a News Feed. You can join events, start a conversation, connect with your followers, etc. Marketers can be aware of their competitor's strategies without hassle. Inviting your friends and enhancing your sales will become much easier with this tremendous update.

CTA Personalization:

CTAs are significant for engaging the audience, generating leads, and boosting sales for your business. The users can personalize the CTA buttons they wish to add to their Facebook Homepage. With their latest updates, Facebook introduced CTA button customization to catch the sight of the users. It has been one of the best changes that Facebook users could have ever wished.

The Q/A Post Format:


The Q/A here specifically means the question-answer round, which will help you understand your client and follower's queries and solve them accordingly. To increase engagement and grab more followers on the page, Facebook launched the posting of Q/As. Every Q/A lasts for 24 hours, just like Facebook Stories. Through it, the followers can seek professional assistance and create an appealing experience on the social media platform.

Accurate Insights:

Insights play a crucial role in your brand promotion on Facebook. So, to deliver real-time insights for better Facebook ads engagement, it rolled out an update for the same. Now the users can get accurate insights and analytics to provide actionable information and notifications for your company's profile. It will help the marketers maintain their presence on Facebook and boost up your organic reach hassle-free.

Story! Story!:

Even though Facebook Stories are a thing, Facebook even updated that users can even create a story for the Facebook pages. We couldn't think of a better update than this one. The marketers can now keep their personal and professional pages separate and avoid conflicts.

The Final Verdict:

We hope our readers understand the importance of the Facebook Homepage and what new implementations have come up this year. Overall, the experience of the Facebook marketers and its users will become more fascinating, which is a big plus!


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