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Track Twitter Mention With Twitter Monitoring Tool: Learn How!


Monitoring your brand's mentions on Twitter is one of the best ways to gauge its visibility because they show that people are talking about it. According to some research, 83% of customers who complained about a firm on Twitter valued responses from businesses. Unfortunately, that same study revealed that only 29% of businesses responded to Twitter concerns from customers. There is a disconnect between how consumers and companies use social media.

Many different people's definitions of "doing well" on Twitter vary, but most social media marketers concur that it involves interacting with fans. By doing so, you might gain a bigger audience as well as more devoted and content customers. Also, you can track mentions with the Twitter monitoring tool.

What are Twitter Mentions?

An individual can be tagged in a tweet using a mention. A reply, a tweet that quotes someone else, or mentioning a username all constitute mentions.

Use the @ sign and start typing a user's Twitter handle to mention them in a Tweet. You can also use the Twitter name search feature to identify the account you wish to mention.

People who have subscribed to email alerts will receive an email notification if they are mentioned in a tweet.

Why Track Twitter Mention?

Mentions are a great way to keep track of conversations you have had on Twitter since they let you know when you've been mentioned on the site. Mentions demonstrate your involvement in particular communities. It supports users in locating fresh leads, making contact with clients, and establishing connections with key figures in their market. By making your account more visible to additional users, mentions help you expand your reach. Therefore, it's critical to be aware of where, when, and by whom you're being mentioned.

How To Track Twitter Mentions?

Now you have to know why tracking is important for a Twitter mention, So moving toward knowing some ways to track them with the Twitter monitoring tool.

Activate Twitter Notifications

Make sure your Twitter account is set up to send you notifications anytime you are mentioned before anything else. If you download the Twitter app, you can receive notifications via the web, email, or your phone. To enable this function, just sign into your account and navigate to the notification settings.

Keep in mind that you will only be alerted if you are @mentioned. You won't receive alerts from the native Twitter app if you are untagged or if someone mentions you in a hashtag. Thankfully, it is possible to follow up on both of these Twitter "mentions."

Twitter Mentions: Track them

It's time to look for mentions now that your alerts are set up. Let's examine how to locate mentions on Twitter. Start by doing a Twitter search for "Company Name." You'll see every public Tweet that includes your brand. To view the most recent Tweets, select the Latest option.

You may get a general summary of who is Tweeting about your business by using a Twitter search. You'll receive both Twitter mentions and Tweets with your company name but no @username. Use Twitter's Advanced Search to automate tweets to generate specialized searches based on certain phrases, individuals, dates, and locations to get more precise results. Information retrieval is significantly facilitated by Twitter's ability to store up to 25 queries, notably for specialized brand-mention searches.

Sadly, a manual technique is seldom enough for long-term monitoring, particularly for a significant brand with regular Twitter mentions. Therefore, using software like Twitter management tools is a superior method to track mentions.

Reasons To Track Your Brand on Twitter

Following your company and sector on Twitter might be beneficial for a few reasons:

Brand Monitoring: By monitoring a brand, you can see how and when consumers interact with it. Learn which content resonates most with your audience and when to distribute it.

Crisis management: While keeping an eye on your brand on Twitter won't prevent crises, it will help you handle them. Observing social media engagement can enable you to discover unfavorable things others have mentioned.

Industry Analysis: Learn what your industry is talking about. You may use this to determine the type of content you should produce.

Here are some suggestions if you're unsure of exactly what you should be tracking:

  • Your business

  • your sector

  • People that matter to your business

  • Your opponents

  • subjects that relate to your brand

  • Hashtags associated with your company


We hope our readers understand how Twitter mentions can track with a Twitter monitoring tool.

Thanks for reading!


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